Trump vs Acosta. After a tense encounter between CNN's Jim Acosta and Pres. Trump, press credentials for the reporter have been revoked.

Trump vs Acosta. After a tense encounter between CNN’s Jim Acosta and Pres. Trump, press credentials for the reporter have been revoked.

[dropcaps type=’normal’ font_size=’65’ color=’#ed145b’ background_color=” border_color=”]A[/dropcaps]fter telling Jim Acosta “You are a rude, terrible person. You shouldn’t be working for CNN,” and a White House intern trying to take the mic from Acosta’s hand, Trump made an executive move and banned Acosta from future White House press conferences. Yes, CNN’s Jim Acosta’s White House press credentials have been revoked after a verbally challenging encounter with President Trump at a press conference Wednesday.

Interactions involving the President and the press have increasingly become heated. The President’s attacks on ‘Fake News’ and declarations that the news uses false reports to spread anger versus the press defending it’s right to exercise the 1st amendment to the fullest extents. This last bout comes as Acosta challenged Trump’s decision to engage troops at the US border in efforts to thwart an ‘invasion’ of South American people migrating north toward the US border.

Not the first time Acosta has had run ins with White House staff, Acosta had an exchange with Sandra Sanders in August, asking – if not demanding – her to declare an opposing position from Trumps in that the press is an enemy of the American people. “It would be a good thing if you were to say right here at this briefing that the press. . . are not the enemy of the people. I think we deserve that,” Acosta said. After Sanders refused to comply with Acosta’s request, he abruptly exited himself from the press conference.

Acosta sat down with Stephen Colbert on The Late Show to share his take. Colbert opened up the discussion by referencing Trumps negative position on the news and his focusing attention on Acosta. Acosta responded, “We’re all fed up with the treatment that we’re receiving and I’m not the only one to speak out about this.”