While we have been given plenty of insight into Cosby's accusations, little light has been shown on just who the accusers are.

[dropcaps type=’normal’ font_size=’65’ color=’#ed145b’ background_color=” border_color=”]B[/dropcaps]y now almost everyone is aware of the verdict handed down to Bill Cosby and the 3-10 year sentence that came along with it. But how much information has been divulged regarding the more than  60 women who alleged they were victims of sexual assault from the hands of Cosby. The allegations go back to the 1960’s, that’s more than 50 years, which means most of the cases against Cosby had expired the statute of limitations.

The only case that ‘stuck’ was the only one that was needed, that is the case involving Andrea Constant. While we know much about her, what about the other 60 or so victims? Who are they?

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Following the allegations, numerous organizations have severed ties with the comedian, and previously awarded honors and titles have been revoked. Reruns of The Cosby Show and other television programs featuring Cosby have also been pulled from syndication by many media organizations. 25 colleges and universities have rescinded honorary degrees.[7] Adweek reporter Jason Lynch noted that the “media landscape has changed considerably—and has now been joined by the far-less-forgiving social media arena.”[8] Take a look at this list showing each of the victims who filed allegations against Cosby for sexual assault.

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* Witness in 2005 Constand civil case